Herbicide Control
With our customized multi-tank spray rigs, our qualified applicators can spray either “Bermuda Release” or “Ground Sterilizer” at the same time.

Bermuda Release: RAMCO’s proven selective herbicide mixture eliminates all grass and broadleaf plants allowing Bermuda grass to flourish. In addition, the residual component in our mixture keeps weeds suppressed for several months. The strategy is to keep stations or road crossings manageable without exposing the soil to erosion problems. A common mistake is for companies to spray road crossings and ditches with Ground Sterilizer, potentially causing major problems with erosion near highway and leaching.

Ground Sterilizer: RAMCO’s proven herbicide mixture focuses on eradicating any and all grass specifically used on gravel locations. This mixture is effective up to 6 months depending upon the amount of rain fall. Two applications are typically required
per year.

ROW Mixture: RAMCO’s proven selective herbicide mixture for ROWs eliminates all broadleaf and woody plants such as briers and small trees. This is a popular alternative to mowing ROWs.
Commercial Mowing
Our mowing crews can keep your yard look good all year long.